Why register?

You'll be able to get the full version of the WISEXT tools and help answer a few questions.

Since 2013, all SketchUp users can install and use the SU2XL extension free of charge. The tool has been downloaded several thousand times but apart from a few one-off contacts, there is little feedback from users.

Registration allows to have an answer to four questions:

  1. How many people are really interested in the WISEXT tools?
  2. In what circumstances do they use this tool?
  3. How often do they use this tool?
  4. What are the users' expectations?

To this purpose it has been required since February 2021 that people who want to get a full version of the extension functionalities register and answer these few questions.

Knowing the users better will help to define the future development of the WISEXT tools.

⚠ From 2025 onwards, “Find And Report” will become a paying service for regular users. Registration remains free, however, and you'll pay nothing for occasional use of the tools.